Attorney Brendan Putman
Phone: (860) 870-8877
-------------------------------------------------------- 13 Park Street
Rockville CT 06066
Across from Rockville Superior Court
Phone: (860) 870-8877
Fax: (860) 870-8934
Click my picture to request my free initial consultation or to get to know me ---->
Rockville Superior Court.
Thank you for visiting my web site. If you are in trouble with the law be sure to call (860) 870-8877 or link to my contact page. I am a criminal defense lawyer serving Central and Eastern CT. I will respond promptly without obligating you in any way.
I defend clients accused of any type of felony or misdemeanor, e.g. Failure to appear, Drugs, Assault, Domestic violence, Robbery, Rape, Probation violations, DUI and all Traffic violations.
I also represent and advocate for clients to clear their records through the pardon process.
Defending yourself in criminal court can be a frustrating task. Don't go it alone. Too often the cost of a solo stand in court is far more expensive than the cost of representation.
One thing an accused can do, whether or not he is inclined to eventually hire an attorney, is to contact one anyway. Look for one who's focus is criminal defense and take advantage of his/her first time free consultation visit. Most lawyers offer such. Utilizing the offer is a good way to get free advice and to evaluate the Lawyer for the day you need one.
Don't be discouraged if you do not relate well with the first lawyer you visit. Try another. It is best to find someone with whom you can feel comfortable. Don't hire discomfort. It is not good for your case, nor for anyone's health.
Contact me soon in any event but if you are in trouble with the law, contact me sooner. 
Rockville Superior Court -------
Hartford Superior Court -------
Danielson and Willimantic Superior Court -------------------
Manchester Superior Court --->
Enfield Superior Court ---------
New Britain Superior Court ---
Norwich Superior Court --------
The courts listed here are some with which I have become very familiar during my 19 years as a criminal defense lawyer.
Familiarity with a court and with the staff that comprise it is an important asset in defense of a criminal charge and in negotiating a settlement..
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New London Superior Court --
Middletown Superior Court ----